Guy Partners is a leading Israeli Hedge Fund Management company, founded in 2013 by IBI Investment house veterans, with thorough experience and expertise in investment management of debt and equity in the Israeli and international capital markets.
A hedge fund specializing in the Israeli debt market. Fund manager:
Phone: +972-9-767-3802
Email: invest@guypartners.co.il
Address: Droyanov House, 11 Galgalei Haplada Street, Entrance 3, 4th floor, Herzliya Pituach 4672211,Israel
Mailing address: P.O.Box 2153 HerzliyaPituach, 4673301 Israel
The aforementioned data are general information regarding the activities of the company and the limited partnerships. Investing in a partnership is via a private offering, subject to the law regarding the number of oferees as determined in the Israeli Securities law, and subject to the absolute and sole determination of the General partner. Rights in the partnerships are not and will not be offered to the general public, are not registered for trad and will not be. Investing in the partnerships is according to the partnership agreement which will be signed between the investor and the general partner. It carries risks which are mentioned in the partnership agreements, as well as other risks derived from the exposure to securities. The aforementioned is not advice/ marketing of securities and / or a substitute to advice/ marketing of securities/ tax advice by those authorized to do so, which considers the specific needs of each investor. Publishing this information does not consist of an offering to the public to invest in the partnerships. All the content and the information in this website is supplied as is, with no responsibility and or representation of any kind. Some of the information in this website is forward looking, for which there is no guarantee of materialization.
© All rights are reserved to Guy Partners Israel (O.G.) ltd.
A hedge fund specializing in the Israeli debt market. The fund utilizes all the available arsenal in the Israeli debt market to generate a significant excess return over the Bank of Israel Interest rate. This is done via rigorous security analysis and taking advantage of market inefficiencies caused by regulation, the market’s lack of breadth, investor behavior and trading rules.
Fund manager:
Commencement: April 2013
Administrator and tax trustee: Tzur Management
Auditor: BDO Ziv Haft
Legal Counsel: Ben Naftali, Erez, Zehavi & Co.
A hedge fund specializing in the Israeli debt and equity markets. The fund invests primarily in Israeli companies and/or Israeli related companies in a wide variety of sectors. The fund's objective is to track down undervalued investment opportunities based on rigorous fundamental analysis as well as taking advantage of various market inefficiencies throughout the debt and equity markets.
Fund manager:
Commencement: October 2015
Administrator and tax trustee: Tzur Management
Auditor: BDO Ziv Haft
Legal Counsel: Ben Naftali, Erez, Zehavi & Co.
A hedge fund specializing in the global USD bond market. The fund utilizes all the available arsenal in all the US Dollar and Dollar linked markets to generate a significant excess return over the risk-free interest rate. This is done via macro analysis, rigorous security analysis, relative value trades and taking advantage of short-term and long-term opportunities which the markets create.
Fund manager:
Commencement: December 2017
Administrator and tax trustee: Tzur Management
Auditor: BDO Ziv Haft
Legal Counsel: Ben Naftali, Erez, Zehavi & Co.
Possessing 30 years of experience in capital markets as a senior manager, investment manager, analyst and trader.
2013 – Present: Managing Partner and founder, Guy Partners.
2000 – 2012: CEO, IBI Mutual Funds.
1998 – 2000: Investment manager, Psagot Mutual Funds.
1992 – 1998: Analyst, Head of Trading, Oppenheimer Israel.
BSC and MSC in Agricultural Economics, both from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Possessing more than 30 years of experience in global capital markets, both in the US and in Israel, as a senior portfolio manager, trader and head of a trading unit.
2017 – Present: Managing Partner, Guy Global LP.
2004 – present: Founder and CEO, Bond Hill Capital.
2003 – 2017: CIO, International Fixed Income, IBI Investment House.
2001 – 2003: CEO, Omega Partners.
1997 – 2000: Director and Head of Trading, UBS Israel.
1996 – 1997: Head of the International Department, Israel General Bank (today: U-Bank).
1994 – 1996: Vice President, Fixed Income Sales, Oppenheimer (New York).
1991 - 1994: Vice President, Fixed Income Sales, Kidder Peabody (New York).
1987 – 1989: Ilanot Discount Mutual Funds.
BA in Management and Economics, Tel-Aviv University. MBA, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University.